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  • Five Ways Fostering Pups Saves Lives!

    August 11, 2020 2 min read


    Animal foster programs save lives. But the benefits of this important aspect of animal rescue are often underestimated. So, to let you know why fostering is SO crucial, here are 5 ways that Fostering Saves Lives.

    Creates Life Saving Shelter Space

    Fostering a dog frees up space in the shelter for another pup coming in off the street. It’s a one to one ratio -- every dog fostered means one more spot at the rescue.

    Improves the Dog’s Health

    According to a 2019 study, spending even one night in a house away from the shelter lowered levels of cortisol in dogs, a key indicator of stress. Just by being in a home instead of a kennel, a dog’s health instantly improves.

    Socializes the Pup

    Foster dogs spend more time around humans and often get supervised interactions with kids and other animals. This jumpstart on socialization makes for an easier transition to the pup’s forever home when they’re adopted.

    Increases Chances for Adoption

    Dogs in foster homes have increased odds of getting adopted for several reasons. They often receive more exposure to potential adopters through their foster parent’s social lives -- both physical and online. In addition, foster parents are dedicated advocates for their foster pups, able to give more individual focus to getting their pup adopted.

    Reduces Likelihood of Returns

    Because foster animals have already spent time in homes, they often have a more complete adoption profile than their peers in the shelter. Potential adopters have more information about the habits and challenges of a particular foster dog, leading to fewer surprises and therefore fewer returns to the shelter.

    If you have room in your life for a temporary furry roommate, please consider fostering! And we hope you grab a bag of our Foster Fuel blend, where 20% of profits funds foster organizations and initiatives. Thank you, as always, for helping us change the world one pup and one cup at a time.

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