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  • How to Prepare Your Pup for Your Return to Work

    February 02, 2022 3 min read

     While the pandemic brought many challenges for everyone, one of the few perks was that your dog got to spend more quality time with you during the day. You probably spent many enjoyable hours cuddled up on the couch or taking extra walks throughout the day together.

    When the time comes for you to return to life at the office, be proactive with getting your dog ready for the change. Avoid separation anxiety and help your dog adjust well to life after quarantine with these tips.


    Establish a New Routine

    If possible, spend the weeks leading up to your return to work establishing a new routine. This will make the transition smoother when it’s time for you to leave. Your dog will also get used to new cues like seeing you put on your shoes, hearing the jingle of your car keys, and hearing the garage door and car when you leave. Practice a scheduled routine like this.

    • 7am – Wake up, go potty, take a walk
    • 8am – Have breakfast and get some belly rubs
    • 8:30am-9:30am – Crate time
    • 12:30pm-1:30pm – Go potty, have a few treats, and take a short walk or have a game of fetch
    • 1:30pm-2:30pm – Crate time
    • 5:30pm-6:30pm – Take a long walk, visit the park, or enjoy a play session
    • 6:30pm-9:30pm – Dinner time, belly rubs, hanging out together at home
    • 9:30pm – Bedtime in the crate

    Give Your Dog Plenty of Exercise

    With increased down time in their crate comes a need for more activity before their time alone. Take time in the mornings before you leave for work and when you get home to give your dog a nice long walk and play fetch with them. If your pup is tired out when you leave them alone, they will sleep well and enjoy their “me time” in their crates more.

    Practice Crate Training 

    Speaking of the create, if your dog is not already crate trained, make that a priority before you head back to work. Try to leave the house for at least a few minutes while your dog is in the crate. This will get the pup used to being in there without you nearby. And to ensure your pup’s comfort, prepare the crate with these items.

    • Safe and secure crate in a quiet, cool room
    • A comfortable mat or bed
    • A crate cover to help make their “den” feel safe
    • Fresh drinking water
    • A toy that cannot be chewed apart or choked on
    • No collar to avoid any dangers of it getting caught on the crate


    Hire a Dog Sitter or Dog Walker

    If you’re anticipating long hours at the office or won’t be able to come home during your lunch break, you’ll need to hire help to ensure your pup gets the care they need. Consider bringing this person into your routine while still working from home. This way, your pup gets to know this new friend and the transition is smoother.

    Alternatively, investigate using a doggy daycare. Just like little human daycares, these places are excellent for getting your dog more socialization time and burning off energy during the day. Though services can sometimes be a little pricey, ask about bulk discounts. Daycares are often willing to reduce price if you commit to weeks or months of care.

    Make Your Time with Your Pup Special

    With less time to hang out with your dog during the work day, try to make the time you do spend together even more fun and meaningful. Whether it’s exploring a new park together after work, taking a hike or swim on the weekend, or giving some extra belly rubs before bed, make every moment count.

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