From the very first lick and tail wag, when you find your soul pup you know life will never be the same! 🐶❤️☕ #soulpup 📷: @findyourspots
Happy national coffee ☕️ day!
What better way to celebrate than with coffee?
From: stripehairless
📸 Credit: groundsandhounds
#chinesecrestedpowderpuffs #chinesecrestedsagainstepilepsy #chinesecrestedinstagram #chinesecrestedpowderpuff #chinesecrested #chinesecrestedoninstagram #chinesecresteds #chinesecrestedlover #chinesecrestedmoments #chinesecresteddogpowderpuff #chinesecrestedworld #chinesecrestedstyle
Mom keeps calling me her “Soul Pup”… I think that means I’m a good boy 🖤✨#soulpup #everycuphelpsapup #groundsandhounds
Slow down, brew a second cup, and start the weekend early with your Soul Pup! ☕🐶❤️ #soulpup 📷: @jazztheseal
Best way to spend a rainy Saturday? Cozied up with a super soft blanket and a cup of #SoulPup coffee, both from groundsandhounds of course!! 🤗 #EveryCupHelpsaPup Link in bio!!! ☕️❤️
Nothing is better than starting off my Monday with some groundsandhounds coffee and a cute mug to match. Fun fact my mom is a HUGE coffee lover. ☕️
I love groundsandhounds because not only do they provide organic and eco-friendly specialty coffees but they also donate a portion of every sale, providing a second chance for all pups in need of a helping hand!
No to Monday. Yes to more coffee. 🐶☕️✔️#soulpup 📷: @hugo.le.beau
Our #1 goal this year (and every year) is to make coffee so good that you’ll slow down and sip a second cup on the couch with your soul pup each morning! Happy New Year! 🐶❤️☕️ #soulpup 📷: @cheers.for.chupey
Mondays call for caffeine ☕
If you didn't already know, we're huge coffee lovers in this household. Kona & Kopi's names were both inspired by our love of coffee.
We've recently discovered groundsandhounds and were excited to learn that 20% of their profits help support rescues nationwide 👏 Their coffee is 100% organic and comes in both whole bean or ground options! 🙌
Okay, I might sound a little like a coffee snob, but I totally prefer getting whole bean coffee and grinding it myself the day of for the best taste. Anyone else agree?
What's your favorite pick-me-up to keep you going through a long day?
groundsandhounds Soul Pup Whole Bean Coffee
You can now save 15% off your order with our code: KONA
#groundsandhounds #coffee #jindosofinstagram #rescuepup #rescuedog #dogsonthetrails #dogsoforangecounty #dogsofcalifornia #rescuedogsofinstagram #dogsofinstagram #outdoordog #dogstagramdog #muttfeatures #muttsofinstagram #dogsofig #adventurepup #dogsthathike #dogsthattravel #explorewithmydog #instadogfeature #explorewithdogs #thegreatoutdogs #instagdogfeature #optoutside #gifted
Monday Mood ☕️
Still working to convince mom and dad I needs coffee to helps wake up on Mondays 😴☕️ My new coffee cup from groundsandhounds is definitely helping my case! I loves the smell of their Soul Pup coffee too, but dad says that’s all his. I’m not giving up though!
Find all the best coffee at groundsandhounds and help shelter and rescue pups with every purchase ❤️
#mondaymood #mondaycoffee #coffeetime #sleepydog #sleepybulldog #bulldogsofinstagram #bulldoglove #bullybreed #dogsofinstagram #dogstagram #funnydogs #funnybulldog #bulldogsofig #bulldogsofinsta #dogdad #dogdadsofinstagram #bulldogdad #groundsandhounds
🐶☕️ #groundsandhounds groundsandhounds #pitbulllife #pitbulladvocate #excellent_dogs #buzzfeedanimals #thedodo #barkpost #weeklyfluff #pitbulllove #pittiesofig #pitbull #pitties #APBT #adorabull #spreadtherumer #instagrampitties
#dogsofinstagram #loveapibble #pittiesofinstagram #bullbreedsofinsta
If you’ve followed us for awhile, you know one of our absolute most favorite companies to support is groundsandhounds! Coffee that helps rescue pups?! What could be better! ☕️🐶
groundsandhounds is celebrating their 9th birthday 🎉🎈with one of their best sales yet and I’m already taking inventory on what all we’ll order 😍 20% off site wide (starting 3/31) with code Birthday20
#birthdayshoutout #everycupsavesapup #sipcoffeesavepups #groundsandhounds #groundsandhoundscoffee #dogsofinstagram #soulpup #souldog #coffeeanddogs #dogsandcoffee #adoptadog #rescuepup #rescuepups #rescuedogs #rescuedogsofinstagram #rescuedog #aussies #aussiesofig #aussiesofinstagram #australianshepherd #birmingham #birminghamalabama #alabama #tongueout #tongueouttuesday