Love love love loooove our new clothes, blankies and coffee assortments 😍Thank you groundsandhounds for making quality stuff and for donating 20% of your sales to dog rescues around the country!!!
If you want to buy some yummy, organic coffee, wrap yourself in a super warm pittie blanket or make everyone jealous in a cute pittie sweatshirt AND support rescue dogs: use ATOTP for 15% off 😍🥰🙌🏻
**detachable custom rainbow bangs by**
#pitbullsofinstagram #dogsofinstagram #ataleof2pitties
#dogmom #dontbullymybreed #pitsofig #doglover #adoptdontshop #whywerescue #pittiesofinstagram #bullymom #groundsandhounds #coffeeaddict #coffeelover
Going to have a few extra cups tomorrow morning just to support more land seals… 🐶☕️🦭#lovable 📷: @goodboypacino
Val’s say don’t talk to mom in the morning before her cup of groundsandhounds 👏🏼🐶 not only is Grounds and Hounds coffee soooo good, but 20% of all profits from your purchase help fund rescue initiatives. It’s a win-win for me.
Try for 20% off in celebration of their anniversary using the link in our bio. Save sweet pups one cup at a time ☕️☕️☕️
The weekend is so close I can almost touch it... 🐶☕️👀 #mustlovepibbles 📷: @bubba_scraps
Tiny pups, big cups, and the most perfect coffee date I’ve ever seen! 🐶❤️☕️ #endbsl 📷: @playersforpits
☕️💕Sunday Funday!💕☕️
Who says hoomans get to have all the fun when it comes to coffee?! Wanna know my surefire way to have a real Sunday Funday, furiends? Ask your hoomans to play tug of war with your squeaky coffee beans while they have a full piping hot mug of coffee in their hands! Try it today, thank me later! 🙌☕️💗🐾
groundsandhounds offers delicious organic coffee along with mugs, accessories, clothing, and yes, even doggo gear!! The best part is 20% of every purchase is donated back to animal rescues across the country! ☕️💗🐾
Discount Code: BBSWORLD ☕️💗
#ootd by furrescuefashions
Discount Code: BB10 💙🐾
The perfect view for a second cup every morning! 🐶☕️👀❤️ #mustlovepibbles 📷: @marge_is_incharge
☕️💕Sunday Funday!💕☕️
Who says hoomans get to have all the fun when it comes to coffee?! Wanna know my surefire way to have a real Sunday Funday, furiends? Ask your hoomans to play tug of war with your squeaky coffee beans while they have a full piping hot mug of coffee in their hands! Try it today, thank me later! 🙌☕️💗🐾
groundsandhounds offers delicious organic coffee along with mugs, accessories, clothing, and yes, even doggo gear!! The best part is 20% of every purchase is donated back to animal rescues across the country! ☕️💗🐾
Discount Code: BBSWORLD ☕️💗
#ootd by furrescuefashions
Discount Code: BB10 💙🐾
Best way to kick off a Saturday morning? Pibble cuddles and my favorite groundsandhounds coffee 🐶 🥰☕️
groundsandhounds has partnered with playersforpits and from now until March 31st all proceeds from Rescue Roast ☕️ will be donated to the rescue. Plus if you use the link below, 10% of all other purchases will be donated as well. If you’re a coffee drinker like me, why not enjoy coffee that also gives back? And don’t forget all of their cute swag, the girls love their G&H blanket, and help more pups in the Chicagoland area like Harper ❤️
#groundsandhounds #playersforpits #drinkcoffeesavedogs #rescuedogs #pibblegram #rescuedpitbull #iamagentlepit #inherentlygood #saturdaysnuggles #saveadog #dogsthattravel
Coffee, pitbulls, and helping dogs - what could be any better? 💕🐾☕️
From now until March 31st groundsandhounds will be donating 100% of the proceeds of their “Rescue Roast” to one of our favorite rescues- playersforpits. Plus, if you use the link below 10% of all other purchases will be donated as well. This is such a great way to support our rescues. Sip a delicious cup of coffee and help save lives 💖☕️ There’s no better way to start the day!
The perfect valentine does exist! 🐶❤️☕️ #lovable 📷: @threeprettypibbles
Coffee, please help me make it to Xmas... ☕🐶🤞🏼 #almostxmas 📷: @floyd_the_baby_shark